![]() |
C++ library for semigroups and monoids
Defined in presentation.hpp
This namespace contains various helper functions for the class Presentation. These functions could be functions of Presentation but they only use public member functions of Presentation, and so they are declared as free functions instead.
Namespaces | |
namespace | examples |
Namespace for presentations of some finitely presented semigroups. | |
Functions | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | add_commutes_rules_no_checks (Presentation< Word > &p, Word const &letters) |
Add rules so specific letters commute. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | add_commutes_rules_no_checks (Presentation< Word > &p, Word const &letters, std::initializer_list< Word > words) |
Add rules so specific letters commute with specific words. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | add_commutes_rules_no_checks (Presentation< Word > &p, Word const &letters1, Word const &letters2) |
Add rules so specific letters commute. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | add_idempotent_rules_no_checks (Presentation< Word > &p, Word const &letters) |
Add rules that define each letter as an idempotent. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | add_identity_rules (Presentation< Word > &p, typename Presentation< Word >::letter_type e) |
Add rules for an identity element. | |
void | add_inverse_rules (Presentation< std::string > &p, char const *vals, char e=UNDEFINED) |
Add rules for inverses. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | add_inverse_rules (Presentation< Word > &p, Word const &vals, typename Presentation< Word >::letter_type e=UNDEFINED) |
Add rules for inverses. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | add_involution_rules_no_checks (Presentation< Word > &p, word_type const &letters) |
Add rules that define involution. | |
void | add_rule (Presentation< std::string > &p, char const *lhop, char const *rhop) |
Add a rule to the presentation by char const* . | |
void | add_rule (Presentation< std::string > &p, char const *lhop, std::string const &rhop) |
Add a rule to the presentation by char const* and string const & . | |
void | add_rule (Presentation< std::string > &p, std::string const &lhop, char const *rhop) |
Add a rule to the presentation by string const & and char const* . | |
template<typename Word, typename Letter> | |
void | add_rule (Presentation< Word > &p, std::initializer_list< Letter > lhop, std::initializer_list< Letter > rhop) |
Add a rule to the presentation by initializer_list . | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | add_rule (Presentation< Word > &p, Word const &lhop, Word const &rhop) |
Add a rule to the presentation by reference and check. | |
void | add_rule_no_checks (Presentation< std::string > &p, char const *lhop, char const *rhop) |
Add a rule to the presentation by char const* . | |
void | add_rule_no_checks (Presentation< std::string > &p, char const *lhop, std::string const &rhop) |
Add a rule to the presentation by char const* and string const& . | |
void | add_rule_no_checks (Presentation< std::string > &p, std::string const &lhop, char const *rhop) |
Add a rule to the presentation by string const& and char const* . | |
template<typename Word, typename Letter> | |
void | add_rule_no_checks (Presentation< Word > &p, std::initializer_list< Letter > lhop, std::initializer_list< Letter > rhop) |
Add a rule to the presentation by initializer_list . | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | add_rule_no_checks (Presentation< Word > &p, Word const &lhop, Word const &rhop) |
Add a rule to the presentation by reference. | |
template<typename Word, typename Iterator> | |
void | add_rules (Presentation< Word > &p, Iterator first, Iterator last) |
Add the rules stored in the range [first, last) . | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | add_rules (Presentation< Word > &p, Presentation< Word > const &q) |
Add the rules of q to p . | |
template<typename Word, typename Iterator> | |
void | add_rules_no_checks (Presentation< Word > &p, Iterator first, Iterator last) |
Add the rules stored in the range [first, last) . | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | add_rules_no_checks (Presentation< Word > &p, Presentation< Word > const &q) |
Add the rules of q to p . | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | add_zero_rules (Presentation< Word > &p, typename Presentation< Word >::letter_type z) |
Add rules for a zero element. | |
template<typename Word> | |
bool | are_rules_sorted (Presentation< Word > const &p) |
Check the rules are sorted relative to shortlex. | |
template<typename Word, typename Compare> | |
bool | are_rules_sorted (Presentation< Word > const &p, Compare cmp) |
Check the rules are sorted relative to cmp . | |
void | balance_no_checks (Presentation< std::string > &p, char const *letters, char const *inverses) |
Balance the length of the left-hand and right-hand sides. | |
void | balance_no_checks (Presentation< std::string > &p, std::string_view letters, std::string_view inverses) |
Balance the length of the left-hand and right-hand sides. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | balance_no_checks (Presentation< Word > &p, Word const &letters, Word const &inverses) |
Balance the length of the left-hand and right-hand sides. | |
template<typename Word1, typename Word2> | |
void | balance_no_checks (Presentation< Word1 > &p, Word2 const &letters, Word2 const &inverses) |
Balance the length of the left-hand and right-hand sides. | |
void | change_alphabet (Presentation< std::string > &p, char const *new_alphabet) |
Change or re-order the alphabet. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | change_alphabet (Presentation< Word > &p, Word const &new_alphabet) |
Change or re-order the alphabet. | |
template<typename Word> | |
bool | contains_rule (Presentation< Word > &p, Word const &lhs, Word const &rhs) |
Check if a presentation contains a rule. | |
template<typename Word> | |
Presentation< Word >::letter_type | first_unused_letter (Presentation< Word > const &p) |
Return the first letter not in the alphabet of a presentation. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | greedy_reduce_length (Presentation< Word > &p) |
Greedily reduce the length of the presentation using longest_subword_reducing_length . | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | greedy_reduce_length_and_number_of_gens (Presentation< Word > &p) |
Greedily reduce the length and number of generators of the presentation. | |
template<typename Word> | |
bool | is_strongly_compressible (Presentation< Word > const &p) |
Return true if the \(1\)-relation presentation can be strongly compressed. | |
template<typename Iterator> | |
size_t | length (Iterator first, Iterator last) |
Return the sum of the lengths of all values in the range [first, last) . | |
template<typename Word> | |
size_t | length (Presentation< Word > const &p) |
Return the sum of the lengths of the rules of p . | |
template<typename Iterator> | |
Iterator | longest_rule (Iterator first, Iterator last) |
Return an iterator pointing at the left-hand side of the first rule of maximal length in the given range. | |
template<typename Word> | |
std::vector< Word >::const_iterator | longest_rule (Presentation< Word > const &p) |
Return an iterator pointing at the left-hand side of the first rule in the presentation with maximal length. | |
template<typename Iterator> | |
Iterator::value_type::size_type | longest_rule_length (Iterator first, Iterator last) |
Return the maximum length of a rule in the given range. | |
template<typename Word> | |
Word::size_type | longest_rule_length (Presentation< Word > const &p) |
Return the maximum length of a rule in the presentation. | |
template<typename Word> | |
Word | longest_subword_reducing_length (Presentation< Word > &p) |
Return the longest common subword of the rules. | |
template<typename Word> | |
Presentation< Word >::letter_type | make_semigroup (Presentation< Word > &p) |
Convert a monoid presentation to a semigroup presentation. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | normalize_alphabet (Presentation< Word > &p) |
Normalize the alphabet to \(\{0, \ldots, n - 1\}\). | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | reduce_complements (Presentation< Word > &p) |
If there are rules \(u = v\) and \(v = w\) where \(|w| <
|v|\), then replace \(u = v\) by \(u = w\). | |
template<typename Word> | |
bool | reduce_to_2_generators (Presentation< Word > &p, size_t index=0) |
Reduce the number of generators in a \(1\)-relation presentation to 2 . | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | remove_duplicate_rules (Presentation< Word > &p) |
Remove duplicate rules. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | remove_redundant_generators (Presentation< Word > &p) |
Remove any trivially redundant generators. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | remove_trivial_rules (Presentation< Word > &p) |
Remove rules consisting of identical words. | |
void | replace_subword (Presentation< std::string > &p, char const *existing, char const *replacement) |
Replace non-overlapping instances of a subword by another word by const chat* . | |
template<typename Word, typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2> | |
void | replace_subword (Presentation< Word > &p, Iterator1 first_existing, Iterator1 last_existing, Iterator2 first_replacement, Iterator2 last_replacement) |
Replace non-overlapping instances of a subword by another word. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | replace_subword (Presentation< Word > &p, Word const &existing, Word const &replacement) |
Replace non-overlapping instances of a subword by another word. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | replace_word (Presentation< Word > &p, Word const &existing, Word const &replacement) |
Replace instances of a word on either side of a rule by another word. | |
Presentation< std::string >::letter_type | replace_word_with_new_generator (Presentation< std::string > &p, char const *w) |
Replace non-overlapping instances of a subword via char const* . | |
template<typename Word, typename Iterator> | |
Presentation< Word >::letter_type | replace_word_with_new_generator (Presentation< Word > &p, Iterator first, Iterator last) |
Replace non-overlapping instances of a subword via iterators. | |
template<typename Word> | |
Presentation< Word >::letter_type | replace_word_with_new_generator (Presentation< Word > &p, Word const &w) |
Replace non-overlapping instances of a word with a new generator via const reference. | |
template<typename Word> | |
Presentation< Word > && | reverse (Presentation< Word > &&p) |
Reverse every rule. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | reverse (Presentation< Word > &p) |
Reverse every rule. | |
template<typename Iterator> | |
Iterator | shortest_rule (Iterator first, Iterator last) |
Return an iterator pointing at the left-hand side of the first rule of minimal length in the given range. | |
template<typename Word> | |
std::vector< Word >::const_iterator | shortest_rule (Presentation< Word > const &p) |
Return an iterator pointing at the left-hand side of the first rule in the presentation with minimal length. | |
template<typename Iterator> | |
Iterator::value_type::size_type | shortest_rule_length (Iterator first, Iterator last) |
Return the minimum length of a rule in the given range. | |
template<typename Word> | |
Word::size_type | shortest_rule_length (Presentation< Word > const &p) |
Return the minimum length of a rule in the presentation. | |
template<typename Word> | |
bool | sort_each_rule (Presentation< Word > &p) |
Sort the left-hand and right-hand side of each rule by shortlex. | |
template<typename Word, typename Compare> | |
bool | sort_each_rule (Presentation< Word > &p, Compare cmp) |
Sort the left-hand and right-hand side of each rule relative to cmp . | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | sort_rules (Presentation< Word > &p) |
Sort all of the rules by shortlex. | |
template<typename Word, typename Compare> | |
void | sort_rules (Presentation< Word > &p, Compare cmp) |
Sort all of the rules by cmp . | |
template<typename Word> | |
bool | strongly_compress (Presentation< Word > &p) |
Strongly compress a \(1\)-relation presentation. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | throw_if_bad_inverses (Presentation< Word > const &p, Word const &vals) |
throw_if_bad_alphabet_or_rules if vals act as semigroup inverses in p . | |
template<typename Word, typename Iterator> | |
void | throw_if_bad_rules (Presentation< Word > const &p, Iterator first, Iterator last) |
Check rules against the alphabet of p . | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | throw_if_not_normalized (Presentation< Word > const &p, std::string_view arg="1st") |
Throws if the presentation isn't normalized. | |
template<typename Iterator> | |
void | throw_if_odd_number_of_rules (Iterator first, Iterator last) |
Throw if the distance between iterators is not even. | |
template<typename Word> | |
void | throw_if_odd_number_of_rules (Presentation< Word > const &p) |
Throw if the number of words in a presentation is odd. | |
std::string | to_gap_string (Presentation< std::string > const &p, std::string const &var_name) |
Return the code that would create p in GAP. | |
std::string | to_gap_string (Presentation< word_type > const &p, std::string const &var_name) |
Return the code that would create p in GAP. | |
void add_commutes_rules_no_checks | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Word const & | letters ) |
Adds rules to p
of the form \(uv = vu\) for every pair of letters \(u, v\) in letters
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation to add rules to. |
letters | the collection of letters to add rules for. |
are performed. void add_commutes_rules_no_checks | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Word const & | letters, | ||
std::initializer_list< Word > | words ) |
Adds rules to p
of the form \(uv = vu\) for every letter \(u\) in letters
and \(v\) in words
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation to add rules to. |
letters | the collection of letters to add rules for. |
words | the collection of words to add rules for. |
are performed. void add_commutes_rules_no_checks | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Word const & | letters1, | ||
Word const & | letters2 ) |
Adds rules to p
of the form \(uv = vu\) for every letter \(u\) in letters1
and \(v\) in letters2
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation to add rules to. |
letters1 | the first collection of letters to add rules for. |
letters2 | the second collection of letters to add rules for. |
are performed. void add_idempotent_rules_no_checks | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Word const & | letters ) |
Adds rules to p
of the form \(a^2 = a\) for every letter \(a\) in letters
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation to add rules to. |
letters | the letters to make idempotent. |
are performed. void add_identity_rules | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
typename Presentation< Word >::letter_type | e ) |
Adds rules of the form \(ae = ea = a\) for every letter \(a\) in the alphabet of p
, and where \(e\) is the second parameter.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation to add rules to. |
e | the identity element. |
LibsemigroupsException | if e is not a letter in p.alphabet() . |
void add_inverse_rules | ( | Presentation< std::string > & | p, |
char const * | vals, | ||
char | e = UNDEFINED ) |
The letter a
with index i
in vals
is the inverse of the letter in alphabet()
with index i
. The rules added are \(a_ib_i
= e\) where the alphabet is \(\{a_1, \ldots, a_n\}\); the 2nd parameter vals
is \(\{b_1, \ldots, b_n\}\); and \(e\) is the 3rd parameter.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation to add rules to. |
vals | the inverses. |
e | the identity element (defaults to UNDEFINED, meaning use the empty word). |
LibsemigroupsException | if any of the following apply:
. void add_inverse_rules | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Word const & | vals, | ||
typename Presentation< Word >::letter_type | e = UNDEFINED ) |
The letter a
with index i
in vals
is the inverse of the letter in alphabet()
with index i
. The rules added are \(a_ib_i
= e\) where the alphabet is \(\{a_1, \ldots, a_n\}\); the 2nd parameter vals
is \(\{b_1, \ldots, b_n\}\); and \(e\) is the 3rd parameter.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation to add rules to. |
vals | the inverses. |
e | the identity element (defaults to UNDEFINED, meaning use the empty word). |
LibsemigroupsException | if any of the following apply:
. void add_involution_rules_no_checks | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
word_type const & | letters ) |
Adds rules to p
of the form \(a^2 = \varepsilon\) for every letter \(a\) in letters
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation to add rules to. |
letters | the letters to add involution rules for. |
are performed. void add_rule | ( | Presentation< std::string > & | p, |
char const * | lhop, | ||
char const * | rhop ) |
Adds the rule with left-hand side lhop
and right-hand side rhop
to the rules.
p | the presentation. |
lhop | the left-hand side of the rule. |
rhop | the right-hand side of the rule. |
LibsemigroupsException | if lhop or rhop contains any letters not belonging to p.alphabet() . |
void add_rule | ( | Presentation< std::string > & | p, |
char const * | lhop, | ||
std::string const & | rhop ) |
Adds the rule with left-hand side lhop
and right-hand side rhop
to the rules.
p | the presentation. |
lhop | the left-hand side of the rule. |
rhop | the right-hand side of the rule. |
LibsemigroupsException | if lhop or rhop contains any letters not belonging to p.alphabet() . |
void add_rule | ( | Presentation< std::string > & | p, |
std::string const & | lhop, | ||
char const * | rhop ) |
Adds the rule with left-hand side lhop
and right-hand side rhop
to the rules.
p | the presentation. |
lhop | the left-hand side of the rule. |
rhop | the right-hand side of the rule. |
LibsemigroupsException | if lhop or rhop contains any letters not belonging to p.alphabet() . |
void add_rule | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
std::initializer_list< Letter > | lhop, | ||
std::initializer_list< Letter > | rhop ) |
Adds the rule with left-hand side lhop
and right-hand side rhop
to the rules.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
Letter | the type of the values in the initializer_list . |
p | the presentation. |
lhop | the left-hand side of the rule. |
rhop | the right-hand side of the rule. |
LibsemigroupsException | if lhop or rhop contains any letters not belonging to p.alphabet() . |
void add_rule | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Word const & | lhop, | ||
Word const & | rhop ) |
Adds the rule with left-hand side lhop
and right-hand side rhop
to the rules, after checking that lhop
and rhop
consist entirely of letters in the alphabet of p
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
lhop | the left-hand side of the rule. |
rhop | the right-hand side of the rule. |
LibsemigroupsException | if lhop or rhop contains any letters not belonging to p.alphabet() . |
void add_rule_no_checks | ( | Presentation< std::string > & | p, |
char const * | lhop, | ||
char const * | rhop ) |
Adds the rule with left-hand side lhop
and right-hand side rhop
to the rules.
p | the presentation. |
lhop | the left-hand side of the rule. |
rhop | the right-hand side of the rule. |
void add_rule_no_checks | ( | Presentation< std::string > & | p, |
char const * | lhop, | ||
std::string const & | rhop ) |
Adds the rule with left-hand side lhop
and right-hand side rhop
to the rules.
p | the presentation. |
lhop | the left-hand side of the rule. |
rhop | the right-hand side of the rule. |
void add_rule_no_checks | ( | Presentation< std::string > & | p, |
std::string const & | lhop, | ||
char const * | rhop ) |
Adds the rule with left-hand side lhop
and right-hand side rhop
to the rules.
p | the presentation. |
lhop | the left-hand side of the rule. |
rhop | the right-hand side of the rule. |
void add_rule_no_checks | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
std::initializer_list< Letter > | lhop, | ||
std::initializer_list< Letter > | rhop ) |
Adds the rule with left-hand side lhop
and right-hand side rhop
to the rules.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
Letter | the type of the values in the initializer_list . |
p | the presentation. |
lhop | the left-hand side of the rule. |
rhop | the right-hand side of the rule. |
void add_rule_no_checks | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Word const & | lhop, | ||
Word const & | rhop ) |
Adds the rule with left-hand side lhop
and right-hand side rhop
to the rules.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
lhop | the left-hand side of the rule. |
rhop | the right-hand side of the rule. |
void add_rules | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Iterator | first, | ||
Iterator | last ) |
This function adds the rules stored in the range [first, last)
to p
Before it is added, each rule is checked to check it contains only letters of the alphabet of p
. If the \(n\)th rule causes this function to throw, the first \(n-1\) rules will still be added to p
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
Iterator | the type of the second and third arguments. |
p | the presentation. |
first | iterator pointing at the first rule to add. |
last | iterator pointing one beyond the last rule to add. |
LibsemigroupsException | if any rule contains any letters not belonging to p.alphabet() . |
void add_rules | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Presentation< Word > const & | q ) |
Adds all the rules of the second argument q
to the first argument p
which is modified in-place.
Before it is added, each rule is checked to check it contains only letters of the alphabet of p
. If the \(n\)th rule causes this function to throw, the first \(n-1\) rules will still be added to p
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation to add rules to. |
q | the presentation with the rules to add. |
LibsemigroupsException | if any rule contains any letters not belonging to p.alphabet() . |
void add_rules_no_checks | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Iterator | first, | ||
Iterator | last ) |
This function adds the rules stored in the range [first, last)
to the presentation p
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
Iterator | the type of the second and third arguments. |
p | the presentation. |
first | iterator pointing at the first rule to add. |
last | iterator pointing one beyond the last rule to add. |
void add_rules_no_checks | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Presentation< Word > const & | q ) |
Adds all the rules of the second argument q
to the first argument p
which is modified in-place.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation to add rules to. |
q | the presentation with the rules to add. |
void add_zero_rules | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
typename Presentation< Word >::letter_type | z ) |
Adds rules of the form \(az = za = z\) for every letter \(a\) in the alphabet of p
, and where \(z\) is the second parameter.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation to add rules to. |
z | the zero element. |
LibsemigroupsException | if z is not a letter in p.alphabet() . |
bool are_rules_sorted | ( | Presentation< Word > const & | p | ) |
Check if the rules \(u_1 = v_1, \ldots, u_n = v_n\) satisfy \(u_1v_1 < \cdots < u_nv_n\) where \(<\) is shortlex order.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation to check. |
.LibsemigroupsException | if p.rules.size() is odd. |
bool are_rules_sorted | ( | Presentation< Word > const & | p, |
Compare | cmp ) |
Check if the rules \(u_1 = v_1, \ldots, u_n = v_n\) satisfy \(u_1v_1 < \cdots < u_nv_n\) where \(<\) is the order described by cmp
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
Compare | the type of the compare function. |
p | the presentation to check. |
cmp | the comparison function. |
.LibsemigroupsException | if p.rules.size() is odd. |
inline |
This is an overload for balance_no_checks(Presentation<Word1>&, Word2 const&, Word2 const&) to allow, string literals to be used for the parameters letters
and inverses
inline |
This is an overload for balance_no_checks(Presentation<Word1>&, Word2 const&, Word2 const&) to allow, std::string_view to be used for the parameters letters
and inverses
void balance_no_checks | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Word const & | letters, | ||
Word const & | inverses ) |
This is an overload for balance_no_checks(Presentation<Word1>&, Word2 const&, Word2 const&) to allow, for example, std::initializer_list to be used for the parameters letters
and inverses
void balance_no_checks | ( | Presentation< Word1 > & | p, |
Word2 const & | letters, | ||
Word2 const & | inverses ) |
This function first sorts the sides of each rules so that the larger side of the rule is on the left. Then for each rule, while the last letter of the left-hand side is in letters
, the last letter of the left-hand side is removed and the corresponding value in inverses
is appended to the end of the right-hand side. Next, while the first letter of the left-hand side is in letters
, the first letter of the left-hand side is removed and the corresponding value in inverses
is appended to the front of the right-hand side.
Word1 | the type of the words in the presentation. |
Word2 | the type of the words letters and inverses . |
p | the presentation. |
letters | the letters that can be replaced in the left-hand side. |
inverses | the inverses of the letters. |
is isomorphic to a group, and that inverses
are valid. However, this function does no checks on its arguments. If the previous assumptions do not hold, there is no guarantee the the semigroup \(S\) defined by p
before this function is called will be isomorphic to the semigroup \(S'\) defined by p
after this function is called.
inline |
This function replaces p.alphabet()
with new_alphabet
where possible, and re-writes the rules in the presentation using the new alphabet.
p | the presentation. |
new_alphabet | the replacement alphabet. |
LibsemigroupsException | if the size of p.alphabet() and new_alphabet do not agree. |
void change_alphabet | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Word const & | new_alphabet ) |
This function replaces p.alphabet()
with new_alphabet
, where possible, and re-writes the rules in the presentation using the new alphabet.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
new_alphabet | the replacement alphabet. |
LibsemigroupsException | if the size of p.alphabet() and new_alphabet do not agree. |
nodiscard |
Checks if the rule with left-hand side lhs
and right-hand side rhs
is contained in p
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
lhs | the left-hand side of the rule. |
rhs | the right-hand side of the rule. |
.Presentation< Word >::letter_type first_unused_letter | ( | Presentation< Word > const & | p | ) |
This function returns letter(p, i)
when i
is the least possible value such that !p.in_alphabet(letter(p, i))
if such a letter exists.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
.LibsemigroupsException | if p already has an alphabet of the maximum possible size supported by letter_type . |
void greedy_reduce_length | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p | ) |
This function repeatedly calls presentation::longest_subword_reducing_length
and presentation::replace_subword
to introduce a new generator and reduce the length of the presentation p
until presentation::longest_subword_reducing_length
returns the empty word.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
LibsemigroupsException | if presentation::longest_subword_reducing_length or presentation::replace_word does. |
void greedy_reduce_length_and_number_of_gens | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p | ) |
This function repeatedly calls presentation::longest_subword_reducing_length
and presentation::replace_subword
to introduce a new generator to try to reduce the length of the presentation p
and the number of generators. This is done until either presentation::longest_subword_reducing_length
returns the empty word, or the new length and number of generators is greater than or equal to that of the presentation in the previous iteration.
In the latter case, the presentation p
gets restored to the state it was in after the previous iteration.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
LibsemigroupsException | if presentations::longest_subword_reducing_length or presentations::replace_word does. |
bool is_strongly_compressible | ( | Presentation< Word > const & | p | ) |
A \(1\)-relation presentation is strongly compressible if both relation words start with the same letter and end with the same letter. In other words, if the alphabet of the presentation p
is \(A\) and the relation words are of the form \(aub = avb\) where \(a, b\in A\) (possibly \( a = b\)) and \(u, v\in A ^ *\), then p
is strongly compressible. See section 3.2 of [49] for details.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
.size_t length | ( | Iterator | first, |
Iterator | last ) |
Return the sum of the lengths of all values in the range [first, last)
Iterator | the type of the first and second arguments (iterators). |
first | iterator pointing at the first value to calculate the length of. |
last | iterator pointing one beyond the last value to calculate the length of. |
.size_t length | ( | Presentation< Word > const & | p | ) |
Returns the sum of the lengths of the rules of p
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
.Iterator longest_rule | ( | Iterator | first, |
Iterator | last ) |
Returns an iterator pointing at the left-hand side of the first rule of maximal length in the given range.
The length of a rule is defined to be the sum of the lengths of its left-hand and right-hand sides.
Iterator | the type of the parameters. |
first | left-hand side of the first rule. |
last | one past the right-hand side of the last rule. |
.LibsemigroupsException | if the distance between first and last is odd. |
std::vector< Word >::const_iterator longest_rule | ( | Presentation< Word > const & | p | ) |
Returns an iterator pointing at the left-hand side of the first rule in the presentation with maximal length.
The length of a rule is defined to be the sum of the lengths of its left-hand and right-hand sides.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
.LibsemigroupsException | if the length of p.rules is odd. |
Iterator::value_type::size_type longest_rule_length | ( | Iterator | first, |
Iterator | last ) |
Returns the maximum length of a rule in the given range.
The length of a rule is defined to be the sum of the lengths of its left-hand and right-hand sides.
Iterator | the type of the parameters. |
first | left-hand side of the first rule. |
last | one past the right-hand side of the last rule. |
.LibsemigroupsException | if the length of p.rules is odd. |
Word::size_type longest_rule_length | ( | Presentation< Word > const & | p | ) |
Returns the maximum length of a rule in the presentation.
The length of a rule is defined to be the sum of the lengths of its left-hand and right-hand sides.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
.LibsemigroupsException | if the length of p.rules is odd. |
Word longest_subword_reducing_length | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p | ) |
If it is possible to find a subword \(w\) of the rules \(u_1 = v_1,
\ldots, u_n = v_n\) such that the introduction of a new generator \(z\) and the relation \(z = w\) reduces the presentation::length
of the presentation, then this function returns the longest such word \(w\). If no such word can be found, then a word of length \(0\) is returned.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
.Presentation< Word >::letter_type make_semigroup | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p | ) |
This function modifies its argument in-place by replacing the empty word in all relations by a new generator, and the identity rules for that new generator. If p.contains_empty_word()
is false
, then the presentation is not modified and UNDEFINED is returned. If a new generator is added as the identity, then this generator is returned.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
LibsemigroupsException | if replace_word or add_identity_rules does. |
void normalize_alphabet | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p | ) |
Modify the presentation in-place so that the alphabet is \(\{0, \ldots, n - 1\}\) (or equivalent) and rewrites the rules to use this alphabet.
If the alphabet is already normalized, then no changes are made to the presentation.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
LibsemigroupsException | if throw_if_bad_alphabet_or_rules throws on the initial presentation. |
void reduce_complements | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p | ) |
Attempts to reduce the length of the words by finding the equivalence relation on the relation words generated by the pairs of identical relation words. If \(\{u_1, u_2, \ldots, u_n\}\) are the distinct words in an equivalence class and \(u_1\) is the short-lex minimum word in the class, then the relation words are replaced by \(u_1 = u_2, u_1 = u_3, \cdots, u_1 = u_n\).
The rules may be reordered by this function even if there are no reductions found.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation to add rules to. |
LibsemigroupsException | if p.rules.size() is odd. |
bool reduce_to_2_generators | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
size_t | index = 0 ) |
Reduce the number of generators in a \(1\)-relation presentation to 2
Returns true
if the \(1\)-relation presentation p
has been modified and false
if not.
A \(1\)-relation presentation is left cycle-free if the relation words start with distinct letters. In other words, if the alphabet of the presentation p
is \(A\) and the relation words are of the form \(au = bv\) where \(a, b\in A\) with \(a \neq b\) and \(u, v \in A ^ *\), then p
is left cycle-free. The word problem for a left cycle-free \(1\)-relation monoid is solvable if the word problem for the modified version obtained from this function is solvable.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
index | determines the choice of letter to use, 0 uses p.rules[0].front() and 1 uses p.rules[1].front() (defaults to: 0 ). |
.LibsemigroupsException | if index is not 0 or 1 . |
void remove_duplicate_rules | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p | ) |
Removes all but one instance of any duplicate rules (if any). Note that rules of the form \(u = v\) and \(v = u\) (if any) are considered duplicates. Also note that the rules may be reordered by this function even if there are no duplicate rules.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
LibsemigroupsException | if p.rules.size() is odd. |
void remove_redundant_generators | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p | ) |
If one side of any of the rules in the presentation p
is a letter a
and the other side of the rule does not contain a
, then this function replaces every occurrence of a
in every rule by the other side of the rule. This substitution is performed for every such rule in the presentation; and the trivial rules (with both sides being identical) are removed. If both sides of a rule are letters, then the greater letter is replaced by the lesser one.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
LibsemigroupsException | if p.rules.size() is odd. |
void remove_trivial_rules | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p | ) |
Removes all instance of rules (if any) where the left-hand side and the right-hand side are identical.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
LibsemigroupsException | if p.rules.size() is odd. |
inline |
This function replaces every non-overlapping instance of existing
in every rule by replacement
. The presentation p
is changed in-place.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
existing | the word to be replaced. |
replacement | the replacement word. |
LibsemigroupsException | if existing is empty. |
void replace_subword | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Iterator1 | first_existing, | ||
Iterator1 | last_existing, | ||
Iterator2 | first_replacement, | ||
Iterator2 | last_replacement ) |
Replaces every non-overlapping instance of [first_existing, last_existing)
in every rule by [first_replacement, last_replacement)
. The presentation p
is changed in-place
Iterator1 | the type of the first two parameters (iterators, or pointers). |
Iterator2 | the type of the second two parameters (iterators, or pointers). |
p | the presentation. |
first_existing | an iterator pointing to the first letter of the existing subword to be replaced. |
last_existing | an iterator pointing one past the last letter of the existing subword to be replaced. |
first_replacement | an iterator pointing to the first letter of the replacement word. |
last_replacement | an iterator pointing one past the last letter of the replacement word. |
LibsemigroupsException | if first_existing == last_existing . |
void replace_subword | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Word const & | existing, | ||
Word const & | replacement ) |
If existing
and replacement
are words, then this function replaces every non-overlapping instance of existing
in every rule by replacement
. The presentation p
is changed in-place.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
existing | the word to be replaced. |
replacement | the replacement word. |
LibsemigroupsException | if existing is empty. |
void replace_word | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Word const & | existing, | ||
Word const & | replacement ) |
If existing
and replacement
are words, then this function replaces every instance of existing
in every rule of the form existing
\(= w\) or \(w = \) existing
, with the word replacement
. The presentation p
is changed in-place.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
existing | the word to be replaced. |
replacement | the replacement word. |
Presentation< std::string >::letter_type replace_word_with_new_generator | ( | Presentation< std::string > & | p, |
char const * | w ) |
If \(w=\)[first, last)
is a word, then replaces every non-overlapping instance (from left to right) of \(w\) in every rule, adds a new generator \(z\), and the rule \(w = z\). The new generator and rule are added even if \(w\) is not a subword of any rule.
p | the presentation. |
w | the subword to replace. |
LibsemigroupsException | if w is empty. |
Presentation< Word >::letter_type replace_word_with_new_generator | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Iterator | first, | ||
Iterator | last ) |
If \(w=\)[first, last)
is a word, then this function replaces every non-overlapping instance of \(w\) in every rule, adds a new generator \(z\), and the rule \(w = z\). The new generator and rule are added even if \(w\) is not a subword of any rule.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
Iterator | the type of the 2nd and 3rd parameters (iterators). |
p | the presentation. |
first | the start of the subword to replace. |
last | one beyond the end of the subword to replace. |
LibsemigroupsException | if first == last . |
Presentation< Word >::letter_type replace_word_with_new_generator | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Word const & | w ) |
This function replaces every non-overlapping instance (from left to right) of w
in every rule, adds a new generator \(z\), and the rule \(w = z\). The new generator and rule are added even if w
is not a subword of any rule.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
w | the subword to replace. |
LibsemigroupsException | if w is empty. |
Presentation< Word > && reverse | ( | Presentation< Word > && | p | ) |
Reverse every rule.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | an rvalue reference for a presentation. |
void reverse | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p | ) |
Reverse every rule.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
Iterator shortest_rule | ( | Iterator | first, |
Iterator | last ) |
Returns an iterator pointing at the left-hand side of the first rule of minimal length in the given range.
The length of a rule is defined to be the sum of the lengths of its left-hand and right-hand sides.
Iterator | the type of the parameters. |
first | left-hand side of the first rule. |
last | one past the right-hand side of the last rule. |
.LibsemigroupsException | if the distance between first and last is odd. |
std::vector< Word >::const_iterator shortest_rule | ( | Presentation< Word > const & | p | ) |
Returns an iterator pointing at the left-hand side of the first rule in the presentation with minimal length.
The length of a rule is defined to be the sum of the lengths of its left-hand and right-hand sides.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
.LibsemigroupsException | if the length of p.rules is odd. |
Iterator::value_type::size_type shortest_rule_length | ( | Iterator | first, |
Iterator | last ) |
Returns the minimum length of a rule in the given range.
The length of a rule is defined to be the sum of the lengths of its left-hand and right-hand sides.
Iterator | the type of the parameters. |
first | left-hand side of the first rule. |
last | one past the right-hand side of the last rule. |
.LibsemigroupsException | if the length of p.rules is odd. |
Word::size_type shortest_rule_length | ( | Presentation< Word > const & | p | ) |
Returns the minimum length of a rule in the presentation.
The length of a rule is defined to be the sum of the lengths of its left-hand and right-hand sides.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
.LibsemigroupsException | if the length of p.rules is odd. |
bool sort_each_rule | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p | ) |
Sort each rule \(u = v\) so that the left-hand side is shortlex greater than the right-hand side.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation whose rules should be sorted. |
LibsemigroupsException | if p.rules.size() is odd. |
bool sort_each_rule | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Compare | cmp ) |
Sort each rule \(u = v\) so that the left-hand side is greater than the right-hand side with respect to cmp
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
Compare | the type of the compare function. |
p | the presentation whose rules should be sorted. |
cmp | the comparison function. |
LibsemigroupsException | if p.rules.size() is odd. |
void sort_rules | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p | ) |
Sort the rules \(u_1 = v_1, \ldots, u_n = v_n\) so that \(u_1v_1 < \cdots < u_nv_n\) where \(<\) is the shortlex order.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation to sort. |
LibsemigroupsException | if p.rules.size() is odd. |
void sort_rules | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p, |
Compare | cmp ) |
Sort the rules \(u_1 = v_1, \ldots, u_n = v_n\) so that \(u_1v_1 < \cdots < u_nv_n\) where \(<\) is the order defined by cmp
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
Compare | the type of the compare function. |
p | the presentation to sort. |
cmp | the comparison function. |
LibsemigroupsException | if p.rules.size() is odd. |
bool strongly_compress | ( | Presentation< Word > & | p | ) |
Strongly compress a \(1\)-relation presentation.
Returns true
if the \(1\)-relation presentation p
has been modified and false
if not. The word problem is solvable for the input presentation if it is solvable for the modified version.
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
.void throw_if_bad_inverses | ( | Presentation< Word > const & | p, |
Word const & | vals ) |
Check if the values in vals
act as semigroup inverses for the letters of the alphabet of p
. Specifically, it checks that the \(i\)th value in vals
acts as an inverse for the \(i\)th value in p.alphabet()
Let \(x_i\) be the \(i\)th letter in p.alphabet()
, and suppose that \(x_i=v_j\) is in the \(j\)th position of vals
. This function checks that \(v_i = x_j\), and therefore that \((x_i^{-1})^{-1} = x\).
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
p | the presentation. |
vals | the values to check if the act as inverses. |
Libsemigroups_Exception | if any of the following apply:
void throw_if_bad_rules | ( | Presentation< Word > const & | p, |
Iterator | first, | ||
Iterator | last ) |
Check if every rule of in [first, last)
consists of letters belonging to the alphabet of p
Word | the type of the words in the presentation. |
Iterator | the type of the second and third arguments. |
p | the presentation whose alphabet is being checked against. |
first | iterator pointing at the first rule to check. |
last | iterator pointing one beyond the last rule to check. |
LibsemigroupsException | if any word contains a letter not in p.alphabet() . |
's alphabet and \(t\) is the distance between first
and last
. void throw_if_not_normalized | ( | Presentation< Word > const & | p, |
std::string_view | arg = "1st" ) |
This function throws a LibsemigroupsException if the alphabet of p
is not 0
to p.alphabet().size() - 1
The second parameter arg
is used in the formatting of the exception message to specify which parameter the presentation p
corresponds to in the calling function.
p | the presentation to check. |
arg | the position of p in calling function's argument list (defaults to "1st"). |
LibsemigroupsException | if the alphabet of p is not 0 to p.alphabet.size() . |
void throw_if_odd_number_of_rules | ( | Iterator | first, |
Iterator | last ) |
This function throws an exception if the distance between first
and last
is not an even number.
Iterator | the type of the arguments. |
first | iterator pointing at the first words. |
last | iterator pointing one beyond the last word. |
LibsemigroupsException | if the distance from first to last is not even. |
void throw_if_odd_number_of_rules | ( | Presentation< Word > const & | p | ) |
This function throws an exception if number of words in p.rules
is odd.
Word | the type of the words in the Presentation p . |
p | the presentation to check. |
LibsemigroupsException | if the number of words in p.rules is not even. |
std::string to_gap_string | ( | Presentation< std::string > const & | p, |
std::string const & | var_name ) |
This function returns the string of GAP code that could be used to create an object with the same alphabet and rules as p
in GAP. Presentations in GAP are created by taking quotients of free semigroups or monoids.
p | the presentation. |
var_name | the name of the variable to be used in GAP. |
LibsemigroupsException | if has more than 49 generators. |
std::string to_gap_string | ( | Presentation< word_type > const & | p, |
std::string const & | var_name ) |
This function returns the string of GAP code that could be used to create an object with the same alphabet and rules as p
in GAP. Presentations in GAP are created by taking quotients of free semigroups or monoids.
p | the presentation. |
var_name | the name of the variable to be used in GAP. |
LibsemigroupsException | if has more than 49 generators. |