libsemigroups  v3.0.0
C++ library for semigroups and monoids
No Matches
Paths< Node > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Paths< Node >, including all inherited members.

at_end() constPaths< Node >inline
cbegin_pilo(WordGraph< Node1 > const &wg, Node2 source, size_t min=0, size_t max=POSITIVE_INFINITY)Paths< Node >related
cbegin_pislo(WordGraph< Node1 > const &wg, Node2 source, size_t min=0, size_t max=POSITIVE_INFINITY)Paths< Node >related
cbegin_pstilo(WordGraph< Node1 > const &wg, Node2 source, Node2 target, size_t min=0, size_t max=POSITIVE_INFINITY)Paths< Node >related
cbegin_pstislo(WordGraph< Node1 > const &wg, Node2 source, Node2 target, size_t min=0, size_t max=POSITIVE_INFINITY)Paths< Node >related
cend_pilo(WordGraph< Node > const &wg)Paths< Node >related
cend_pislo(WordGraph< Node > const &wg)Paths< Node >related
cend_pstilo(WordGraph< Node > const &wg)Paths< Node >related
cend_pstislo(WordGraph< Node > const &wg)Paths< Node >related
count() constPaths< Node >inline
current_target() constPaths< Node >
get() constPaths< Node >inline
init(WordGraph< Node > const &wg)Paths< Node >inline
is_finite (defined in Paths< Node >)Paths< Node >static
is_idempotent (defined in Paths< Node >)Paths< Node >static
max(size_type val) noexceptPaths< Node >inline
max() const noexceptPaths< Node >inline
max(Subclass *obj, size_type max) noexcept (defined in Paths< Node >)Paths< Node >inlineprotected
min(size_type val) noexceptPaths< Node >inline
min() const noexceptPaths< Node >inline
min(Subclass *obj, size_type min) noexcept (defined in Paths< Node >)Paths< Node >inlineprotected
next()Paths< Node >inline
node_type typedefPaths< Node >
number_of_paths(WordGraph< Node1 > const &wg, Node2 source)Paths< Node >related
number_of_paths(WordGraph< Node1 > const &wg, Node2 source, size_t min, size_t max, paths::algorithm lgrthm=paths::algorithm::automatic)Paths< Node >related
number_of_paths(WordGraph< Node1 > const &wg, Node2 source, Node2 target, size_t min, size_t max, paths::algorithm lgrthm=paths::algorithm::automatic)Paths< Node >related
number_of_paths_algorithm(WordGraph< Node1 > const &wg, Node2 source) noexceptPaths< Node >related
number_of_paths_algorithm(WordGraph< Node1 > const &wg, Node2 source, size_t min, size_t max)Paths< Node >related
number_of_paths_algorithm(WordGraph< Node1 > const &wg, Node2 source, Node2 target, size_t min, size_t max)Paths< Node >related
operator=(Paths const &)Paths< Node >
operator=(Paths &&)Paths< Node >
order(Order val)Paths< Node >inline
order() const noexceptPaths< Node >inline
order(Subclass *obj, Order val) (defined in Paths< Node >)Paths< Node >protected
output_type typedefPaths< Node >
Paths()=default (defined in Paths< Node >)Paths< Node >protected
Paths(Paths const &)Paths< Node >
Paths(Paths &&)Paths< Node >
Paths(WordGraph< Node > const &wg)Paths< Node >inlineexplicit
Paths(WordGraph< Node > const &) -> Paths< Node >Paths< Node >related
Paths(WordGraph< Node > &&) -> Paths< Node >Paths< Node >related
size_hint() constPaths< Node >
size_type typedefPaths< Node >
source(node_type n)Paths< Node >inline
source() const noexceptPaths< Node >inline
source_no_checks(node_type n) noexceptPaths< Node >inline
source_no_checks(Subclass *obj, node_type src) (defined in Paths< Node >)Paths< Node >inlineprotected
target(node_type n)Paths< Node >inline
target() const noexceptPaths< Node >inline
target_no_checks(node_type n) noexceptPaths< Node >inline
target_no_checks(Subclass *obj, node_type trgt) noexcept (defined in Paths< Node >)Paths< Node >inlineprotected
throw_if_source_undefined() constPaths< Node >
to_human_readable_repr(Paths< Node > const &p)Paths< Node >related
word_graph() const noexceptPaths< Node >inline